Artist Biography

I draw my best inspiration from the Irish Atlantic Coast Line. I’ve always felt a strong emotional connection with the Sea. I love to be outside, particularly in surroundings where the changing weather and light have a powerful effect on my mood. There are some special places which have a real emotional resonance for me. I love visiting the West Coast, and have a particular attachment to Galway and Co Clare. I also love the quite different character of the South Coast of Ireland, with its flat sands stretching out for miles.
I see my work as expressive seascape painting, I am trying to recreate a sense of place and to communicate my own emotional response to the sea using intuitive and gestural paint.
My preferred medium is oil paint, applied with a brush and palette knife, which allows me to move the paint in gestural marks, and play with the paint, in an energetic flow. Colour is an important aspect of my practice. I like to try new colours, which takes me a while to familiarize myself with, this allows me to create more nuanced shifts in colour. In recent years I have exhibited locally and nationally.